The 7th IATIS Conference will be held both on site in Barcelona and remotely from 14-17 September 2021. Free Translation is very honored to be a part of IATIS' conference focusing on 'The cultural Ecology of Translation'.
Arlene Tucker will be presenting Making Accessibility: Intersemiotic translation as an inclusive creative practice in working with system impacted artists on September 14th at 15:15 (Room 5/Panel 4). Arlene will share Free Translation's research, practice, and methodology. Tucker has been co-writing an article about these transnational translative experiences with Tomás. Full program and Book of Abstracts available here. If you want to access the online event and have not registered yet, follow this link For entry requirements to Spain, official information can be found here for Spain in General and here for the Autonomous Region of Catalonia. It is advisable to double check details with the Spanish Embassy or Consultate in your country. NOTA BENE: The emails sent by the OC may wrongly land in your spam box. Please check it for updates. The address from which updates are sent is [email protected].
Diversity Agents address a range of challenging and crucial issues such as structural racism, lack of equality and accessibility. As change makers and organizers, Diversity Agents offer ways to reflect, to develop tools, and to implement ways we can work towards a more equitable society. In this second edition of the Diversity Agent course special attention is given to recognizing structural racism and introducing anti-racist practices. The course encompasses lectures, meetings, and a diversity training clinic in collaboration with a local arts and culture organization. Culture for All Service is partnering with Globe Art Point (G.A.P.) to bring the Diversity Agent 2.0 course to a wider audience across Finland. The course is coordinated by Culture for All Service, an organization committed to equity, inclusivity, accessibility, and diversity in all its activities and in the recruitment of new staff, and the organization supports the Finnish art and culture field in these issues. Culture for All Services and G.A.P. support all genders and people belonging to different minorities, regardless of e. g. gender or gender identity, ethnic background, potential disabilities, religion or age. Target Group Diversity Agent 2.0 Course is open for professionals of all art and culture fields, both those working as freelancers and those working or employed within arts and culture institutions. We are looking for people with a professional background in the arts and culture and a keen interest in anti-racist practices and diversity. The course language is English; knowledge of the Finnish language can be useful but is not a requirement, and we also welcome applicants with knowledge of other languages. Those with experiences and/or an education from outside of Finland are also appreciated. For this course we encourage applicants with migrant and foreign backgrounds or people belonging to language and cultural minorities. Learning Objectives The aim of the course is to offer tools for developing anti-racist practices and diversity in the arts and culture sector. After the course, participants + will be familiar with key concepts such as anti-racism, diversity, equality, accessibility, norm criticism, structural racism and inclusion, + will have knowledge about the arts and culture sector in Finland as well as cultural policy, + will have tools and techniques required in facilitating a process of change towards a more diverse and equitable arts and culture field, + will know how to identify racist structures and how to address them in the workplace, + will have met experts in the field of arts and culture, diversity, anti-racism, equity and organizational change, and + will have practical and firsthand experience of strengthening Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Arts and Culture Sector. Course Content The course introduces participants to topics and practices related to anti-racism and applying a lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in an institutional context. Participants will become familiar with current issues and debates within the arts and culture sector and cultural policy in Finland related to diversity and equity. The course encompasses virtual meetings, seminars and lectures as well as facilitating an online diversity training clinic with an arts and culture institution. The aim is to provide participants with practical and immediately applicable antiracist tools and to build a network of arts and culture organizations and Diversity Agents. The diversity training clinic provides an opportunity for Diversity Agents to meet with a local arts and culture organization to discuss ways to implement diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism practices within the organization. Implementation Participation is limited to 10 people, and it is free of charge. The course is held remotely via Microsoft Teams. Active attendance is required upon admittance to the course. The call for Diversity Agent 2.0 Course opens September 1st and the deadline to apply is on September 12th. You are informed via email of your acceptance by September 19th. Application form link: Please fill out the online application form by September 12, 2021. Send your CV (mandatory) to Arlene Tucker, Diversity Agent 2.0 course coordinator and portfolio (optional) at [email protected]. Write your application in English. Frame Contemporary Art Finland is pleased to announce Inma Herrera, Anneli Holmstrom, Elina Juopperi, Joel Karppanen, Yassine Khaled, Ninni Korkalo, Anne Tompuri, and Arlene Tucker as the artists selected for the international Peer-to-Peer Programme. It has been a pleasure working with Frame’s Programme Officer Dahlia El Broul and I look forward to meeting my matched curators and artists! I'm looking forward to connecting with them to discuss, develop and figure out how we can build bridges together.
Arlene I am very happy to be one of the eight chosen artists/artist groups to be highlighted in PORTAL. The website recently launched so check it out! "PORTAL is a platform where artists can meet up, share knowledge and create new collaborations. We want to create possibilities to network and form new ways of collaboration between groups, artists, institutions and other agents within the field of performative arts." Stay tuned! XO arlene Olen erittäin iloinen voidessani olla yksi kahdeksasta valitusta taiteilijasta / taiteilijaryhmästä, jotka nostetaan esiin PORTALissa. Sivusto on hiljattain perustettu, joten tarkista se!
"PORTAL on paikka, jossa tekijät voivat kohdata, jakaa osaamistaan ja luoda uusia yhteistöitä. Tavoitteenamme on olla alusta verkostojen ja yhteistöiden rakentamiseksi vapaiden ryhmien, taiteilijoiden ja instituutioiden ja eri esitystaiteen toimijoiden välille." Pysy kanavalla! XO arlene (English version below) Avaus-hankkeet: moninaisuus pitää ottaa paremmin huomioon taide- ja kulttuurialallaAvaus-hankkeiden loppuraportti on julkaistu. Raportissa esitellään kahta hanketta: Avaus. Toimijaksi suomalaisella taide- ja kulttuurikentällä sekä Avaus 2.0 – Toimijasta mentoriksi. Avaus-hankkeet ja niissä kerätty tutkimustieto osoittivat, että moninaisuuden parempaa huomioimista tarvitaan taide- ja kulttuurialalla. Moninaisuuden tulisi olla osa kokonaisvaltainen osa taide- ja kulttuurilaitosten strategista työtä. Taide- ja kulttuurilaitoksilla tulisi olla linjauksia ja suunnitelmia moninaisuutta edustavasta henkilöstöpolitiikasta. Rasismiin ja syrjintään tulee puuttua aktiivisesti. Taide- ja kulttuurialan henkilöstö tarvitsee lisää koulutusta rasismin ja syrjinnän tunnistamisesta ja siihen puuttumisesta. Ulkomaalaistaustaisten – ja rodullistettujen – taiteilijoiden ja kulttuurialan ammattilaisten vuoropuhelua taide- ja kulttuurilaitosten kanssa tarvitaan. Kannustamme taide- ja kulttuurialan laitoksia hyödyntämään Avaus 2.0 -hankkeessa koulutettujen moninaisuusagenttien asiantuntemusta. Avaus-hankkeet 2017–2020. Loppuraportti [PDF] Avaus-hankkeet 2017–2020. Loppuraportti [DOCX] Kulttuuria kaikille -palvelun koordinoima ja yhdessä Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuskeskus Cuporen ja Globe Art Point ry:n kanssa toteuttama hanke Avaus. Toimijaksi suomalaisella taide- ja kulttuurikentällä (2017–2019) kartoitti miten suomalaiset taide- ja kulttuurilaitokset huomioivat kulttuurista moninaisuutta. Hanketta rahoittivat opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö sekä Opetushallitus. Avaus 2.0 – Toimijasta mentoriksi -hanke (2019–2020) oli jatkohanke, joka sai Opetushallitukselta rahoitusta. Avaus 2.0 -hankkeen tavoite oli edistää kulttuurista moninaisuutta taide- ja kulttuurikentällä kouluttamalla ulkomaalaissyntyisiä ja -taustaisia taiteilijoita ja kulttuurialan ammattilaisia moninaisuusagenteiksi. Tutustu myös muihin Avaus-hankkeissa tuotettuihin materiaaleihin: Avaus-moninaisuustietopaketti (PDF) Avaus-moninaisuustietopaketti (saavutettava DOCX) Tietoa moninaisuusagenteista ja esite Cuporen tutkimus Avaus. Ulkomaalaistaustaisten taide- ja kulttuurialan ammattilaisten asema Suomessa Avaus-hankkeen loppuseminaarin tallenne 2020 (YouTube) Lue lisää Avaus-hankkeesta. Kulttuuria kaikille -palveluRaportin julkaisija Kulttuuria kaikille -palvelu / Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry edistää osallistumiselle avoimia ja monenlaisia yleisöjä ja tekijöitä huomioivia kulttuuripalveluja. Se tarjoaa tietoa ja työkaluja taidealan saavutettavuuden, moninaisuuden ja yhdenvertaisuuden edistämiseen. Avaus/Opening projects: diversity should be taken into account in the fields of arts and cultureThe final report of the Avaus/Opening projects has been published. The report presents two projects: Avaus - Opening. Becoming an agent in the field of arts and culture and Avaus 2.0 – Toimijasta mentoriksi.
Avaus projects and the research data collected in the projects show that we need to take diversity into account better in the fields of arts and culture. Diversity should be included in the strategic work of the arts and cultural institutions. The art and cultural organisations should have guidelines and plans about diverse personnel policy. We should work actively against racism and discrimination. The professionals in the arts and culture field need more training on how to be conscious of racism and how to work against it. The dialogue between foreign-born – and racialised – artists and professionals of the culture field and the arts and cultural institutions is needed. We also encourage the arts and cultural institutions to use the expertise of the diversity agents, which were trained during the Avaus 2.0 projects. Avaus/Opening projects 2017–2020. Loppuraportti [PDF] Avaus-hankkeet 2017–2020. Loppuraportti [DOCX] Avaus - Opening. Becoming an agent in the field of arts and culture in Finland (2017–2019) was a project which supported the participation of artists and cultural workers of non-Finnish origin or background in the Finnish arts and culture scene. The project was carried out together with the Centre for Cultural Policy Research Cupore and Globe Art Point, and it was supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the National Agency for Education. Avaus 2.0 – Toimijasta mentoriksi (2019–2020) continued the first Avaus project. It received funding from the National Agency for Education. The aim of the project was to promote cultural diversity in the field of arts and culture by training foreign-born artists and cultural field professionals to work as diversity agents. Material produced during the Avaus projects: Avaus Diversity Information Pack (PDF) Avaus Diversity Information Pack (accessible DOCX) Information about diversity agents Cupore´s research Opening the status of foreign-born arts and culture professionals in Finland Recording of the Concluding Seminar of Avaus/Opening project 2020 (YouTube) Read more about the Project Avaus - Opening. Culture for All ServicePublisher of the report, Culture for All Service / Association for Culture on Equal Terms, promotes cultural services that are inclusive, equitable, and take diverse audiences and art professionals into account. The service offers information and tools for professionals in the arts and culture field to improve accessibility, equality, and knowledge of diversity. Lisätietoja/Additional information: Mira Haataja Vs. toiminnanjohtaja Kulttuuria kaikille -palvelu [email protected] Puh. 040 213 6339 Parhaillaan vietetään rasisminvastaista viikkoa. Tästä viikosta alkaen pitkin kevättä järjestetään lastenkulttuuriin liitännäisenä kulttuurin moninaisuuden toimintaa teemalla "juhlat". Jokaisessa maassa juhlitaan keväisin erinäisiä asioita. Viiden kunnan koululaiset pääsevät maailmanympärysmatkalle sukeltamaan eri maiden kulttuureihin animaatiokoosteen, näyttelyn, taidetehtävien ja työpajojen välityksellä. Toimintaan osallistuu Forssa, Tammela, Jokioinen, Humppila ja Ypäjä. Työpajojen avulla on tarkoitus oppia uusia asioita eri maiden kulttuureista ja luoda samalla jotain uutta taiteen avulla. Työpajoja vetävät ulkomaalaistaustaiset taiteilijat Anastasia Artemeva, Arlene Tucker ja Tomie Cho. Toiminta liittyy Taiken kulttuurin moninaisuuden kehittämisohjelmaan yhteistyössä usean eri tahon kanssa. Rasisminvastainen viikko pohjaa vuoteen 1966, jolloin YK:n yleiskokous julisti maaliskuun 21. päivän kansainväliseksi rotusyrjinnän vastaiseksi päiväksi, ja kehotti kansainvälistä yhteisöä lisäämään ponnistuksiaan kaiken rotusyrjinnän poistamiseksi. Kirjoittaja: Maikki Kantola Anti-Racism Week is currently being celebrated.
From this week onwards, cultural diversity activities with the theme of "celebrations" will be organized alongside spring, in addition to children's culture. Every country celebrates different things in the spring. Schoolchildren from five municipalities can travel around the world to dive into the cultures of different countries through an animation, an exhibition, art assignments and workshops. Children in Forssa, Tammela, Jokioinen, Humppila and Ypäjä participate in the activities. The purpose of the workshops is to learn new things about the cultures of different countries and at the same time create something new through art. The workshops will be led by artists with a foreign background Anastasia Artemeva, Arlene Tucker and Tomie Cho. The activities are related to Taike's cultural diversity development program in cooperation with several different parties. Anti-Racism Week dates back to 1966, when the UN General Assembly declared 21 March International Day against Racial Discrimination and called on the international community to step up its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination. Author: Maikki Kantola |
AuthorArlene Tucker is an artist, diversity agent, and educator currently based in Joutsa, Finland. Archives
June 2024