"Being Included" Artist Talk herättää kysymyksen siitä, kuka on taiteen kentällä ulkopuolinen ja kuka sisäpiiriläinen. Kuka tai miten määritellään outsider -taiteilija? Mikä jää määritelmien ulkopuolelle? Onko mahdollista olla sijoittumatta mihinkään vai jääkö tällöin taidekentän rakenteiden ulkopuolelle? Miten 'outsider art' vaikuttaa taidekenttään, kuka inspiroi ketä? Miten mielenterveys vaikuttaa inklusiivisyyteen? Mikä on koulutuksen vastuu? Voitko osallistua tai tulla mukaan, jos olet "ulkopuolinen"?
26.9.2023 Näyttelykierros klo 17-18 Omenapuutalossa Klo 18-20 Auditorio, Lapinlahden Lähde Puhujat: Arlene Tucker hyödyntää työssään käännösopintoja, visuaalista taidetta, semiotiikka ja feministisiä praktiikoita. Tällä hetkellä hän työskentelee moninaisuusasiantuntijana Kulttuuria kaikille -palvelulla ja vetää Moninaisuus kuntien taide- ja kulttuuritoiminnan lähtökohtana 2025 -projektia. Moninaisuustyön ohella Tucker työskentelee taiteilijana ja kouluttajana. SASHAPASHA on helsinkiläinen taiteellinen duo, jonka perustivat vuonna 2009 taiteilijat Sasha Rotts ja Pavel Rotts. He työskentelevät kokeellisesti ja laajasti monialaisina taiteilijoina yksin ja yhdessä. Keskustelua moderoi performanssitaiteilija ja Taidekoulu Maan rehtori H Ouramo. Lapinlahden Lähteen näkökulmaa esittelee näyttelysuunnittelija Paula Talvikki. +++ "Being Included" Artist Talk raises the question of who is an outsider and who is an insider in the art field. Who or how "outsider artist" is defined? What stays outside of the specifications? Is it possible not to be placed anywhere, or is one then left outside from the structures? How does outsider art affect the art field, who inspires whom? How does mental health affect inclusion? What is the responsibility of education? Can you participate or be included if you are "an outsider"? 26.9.2023 Exhibition tour from 17:00-18:00 in Omenapuutalo 18:00-20:00 Auditorium at Lapinlahden Lähde The speakers: Arlene Tucker’s socially engaged work utilizes translation studies, visual art, semiotics, and feminist practices. She currently works as a diversity expert at Culture for All Service and runs the project Diversity as a starting point for municipalities’ art and culture activities in 2025. SASHAPASHA is a Helsinki-based artistic duo created in 2009 by artists Sasha Rotts and Pavel Rotts who work experimentally and extensively as multidisciplinary artists alone and together The discussion is moderated by H Ouramo, performance artist and rector of Art School Maa. The perspective of Lapinlahden Lähde is presented by exhibition coordinator Paula Talvikki. lapinlahdenlahde.fi/tapahtumat/huuto-goes-lapinlahti-artist-talk-being-included/
Kolibrí is a unique multicultural, free and open art festival for the most diverse, plurilingual and intergenerational audiences. On this 5th anniversary of Kolibrí we will travel to the AMAZONIA, the heart of the World. We’ll get to know and be amazed by its biodiversity, the variety of its indigenous communities and their ancestral knowledge and cultures.
I am so proud to be the moderator for the panel discussion Children’s Culture & Diversity: Pushing Limits on Wednesday, September 23 from 17:00-19:00. We will open up, challenge, and be critical of the following questions; How can we create diverse, high-quality and accessible activities to children? How can we promote diversity and identity through children’s culture and education? We've got a great line up of talented, experienced, and extremely knowledgeable panelists. They will share best practices, lessons learned and new ideas as well as new questions and challenges to be faced. Panelists:
See you there! X arlene The main topic of Art and Immigration: Looking for Identity public talk is the existence of an artist and an artwork outside of their familiar cultural and lingual context. How does an art, its topics, artistic techniques and the artist’s perception changes in immigration? What happens to the artist’s personal and art identity?
Participants: Anastasia Trizna. Freelance Actress Roxana Crisologo Correa. Poetess Márton Jelinkó. Filmmaker Moe Mustafa. Visual artist and theatre director Moderator: Arlene Tucker. Artist and educator Art and Immigration: looking for identity. Public Talk November 11, 17:00 Musiikkitalo. Mannerheimintie 13 A Language: English, Russian JUST AS SOCIETY BECOMES A CONCENTRATION OF DIVERSE CULTURES, THE POINT WHERE THEY INTERSECT, SO TOO IS A CROSSROAD, A PLACE WHERE ROADS COME TOGETHER. https://2019.culturafest.fi/ |
AuthorArlene Tucker is an artist, diversity agent, and educator currently based in Joutsa, Finland. Archives
June 2024