MHAW - Hyvää mieltä kulttuurista -viikolla paikalliset jäsenjärjestöt ympäri Suomen järjestävät mielen hyvinvointia edistäviä kulttuuri- ja taidetapahtumia yhteistyökumppaneidensa kanssa. Tervetuloa Vapaa käännös -projektiin
Sinun tarinasi on tärkeä 10.5.2022 klo 16.00-18.00 Pidätkö taiteen tekemisestä? Tai haluaisitko kokeilla miltä se tuntuu? Haluaisitteko lisätä ymmärrystä itsestä ja muista taiteen avulla? Tervetuloa Vapaa käännös -projektiin missä voidaan jakaa tarinoita ja tehdä taidetta. Sinulla ei tarvitse olla aikaisempaa taiteellista kokemusta osallistuaksesi, vain halu kokeilla luovuutta. Harjoitellaan yhdessä itsemme ilmaisua ja uusien tapojen etsintää kuten leikillisiä tapoja kommunikoida. (Opetellaan miten voimme ilmaista itseämme, löytää äänemme, ja samaan aika keksiä uusia leikillisiä tapoja kommunikoida). Tutustutaan taiteellisiin teoksiin ja keskustellaan näistä,jotka ovat saapuneet eri puolilta maailmaa vapaiden käännösten (Free Translation) - projektin aloitteesta. Teoksia ovat luoneet ihmiset, joiden elämään on vaikuttanut vankeus; kokijana tai läheisenä. Työpajan paikka: Miestena asemalla; Mikkelin rautatieasema, Mannerheimintie, 50100, Mikkeli Kenelle: Miesten aseman kävijöille, jotka pohtivat omaa hyvinvointiaan elämän taitekohdisssa Ota yhteyttä: [email protected] Näytellyn aika: 23-29.5 Tämän jälkeen teemme omaa tulkintaamme teoksista, ikään kuin käännöksiä, vastauksia taideteoksille, ja lataamme ne halutessasi verkkonäyttelyyn, jossa myös taiteilijat ja suurempi yleisö voivat osallistua dialogiin. Käytämme käännöstekniikoita keinona tulkita luovasti lähdeteoksia. Tämä tarkoittaa, että tulkitsemme teosten merkityksiä ja luomme niiden käännösten perusteella uusia taideteoksia. Hankkeen tekijät: Anastasia Artemeva, taiteilija Arlene Tucker, moninaisuusasiantuntija ja kuvataiteilija, Puhumme suomea, venäjä, englantia Työpajaa toteutetaan yhteistyössä MIELI Etälä-Savon Mielenterveys ry:n kanssa ja on osa Mental Health Art Week -tapahtumaviikkoa. Vapaa käännös (Free Translation) on monialainen hanke joka esittelee taidetta vangeilta, ex-vangeilta ja ihmisiltä, joiden elämään vankeus on vaikuttanut. Kyseessä on verkossa esillä oleva versio Vapaa käännös-näyttelystä. Hankkeen ajatuksena on tarkastella taide- ja kirjallisuus -teoksia, jotka saapuivat meille avoimen haun kautta. Lisätietoja tässä ja
I am so honoured and excited to be at TUO TUO from June 18th for a couple of weeks!
Many months ago, Kaitlyn Hamilton, one of the co-founders of TUO TUO, was going to join the Nonviolent Communication group Vishnu Vardhani and I ran as part of Pixelache Lab. For many reasons, concrete and mystical, that did not happen. As Kaitlyn, so sweetly proposed the other day, perhaps that mishap was just a catalyst for our meeting. NVC may have brought us together, but the rest is for us to figure out. I, too, am a believer of trusting the universe and this is what has fallen onto my path. This was supposed to be the summer I was going to return to Taiwan to visit my family as I haven't seen them already in years. Corona came, which put all long distance travel plans on hold. I am so thankful for TUO TUO for hosting me and then I cannot wait to continue my trip to Kuopio and to Iisälmi to see Emma Fält and all of my dear friends there. Thankful for the people I have in my life and for living in such a beautiful country. After such a long dark winter, Finland finally graces us with a beautiful summer. Light for night and a thousand lakes that drift into the sea. While at TUO TUO I will continue Free Translation Sessions, Solmu Sarja Knot Series, and continue the development of my hair project. You are most welcome to join any of these events or to have a some tea with me. Please click on the links to see how you can participate. Finally, I will have time to delve into my own thoughts and experiment! My conversation with Des Pawson last month got my mind even more spinning on the raw complexity yet refined simplicity a knot carries. My daily conversations with my mom have been a huge source of inspiration and continue to comfort me in these strange times where uncertainty seems to blanket over everything. How any of this will manifest itself is yet to be seen. I am there in this knot. Join me. XOXO arlene Welcome to Free Translation Sessions with JAC (The Justice Arts Coalition) on the following Thursdays, June 11th, 18th, 25th, and July 2nd on ZOOM from 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST (9am California, 12pm NYC, 7pm Helsinki)
On June 11th we will make a translation of a work by Оксана Крутицкая (Oksana Krytickaya). On June 18th we will have an open discussion about your translations with Оксана Крутицкая (Oksana Krytickaya). On June 25th we will make a translation of a work by Tomas. On July 2nd we will have an open discussion about your translations with Tomas. Free Translation is a multi-disciplinary project showcasing international works by currently and formerly incarcerated people, and anyone affected by imprisonment. In these sessions we use translation techniques as a means of creatively interpreting works of art and word. This means that we interpret the meaning of the works and create new works of art based on the translations. This can be a translation into another language or another medium. For example, a poem can be manifested into a photograph and a drawing can be written as a letter. In this way, we make new works of art and literature, and attempt to understand each other and open up dialogue. During the 90 minute open art making session we will create translations of the works by Оксана Крутицкая (Oksana Krytickaya) and another Free Translation artist to be announced later. In the following sessions we will then speak with the artist and review the translations of their work. With your consent, artworks will be added to the Free Translation exhibition for the general public to see and continue the dialogue. PURCHASE TICKETS FOR THIS WORKSHOP SEQUENCE, AS WELL AS JAC'S OTHER CREATE + CONNECT EVENTS, AT THIS LINK: About the facilitators: Anastasia Artemeva is a visual and socially-engaged artist and researcher. Anastasia was born in Moscow, Russia, and lived in Ireland for many years before moving to Helsinki. Her socially-engaged creative projects explore and create space for communication and interaction. Conceptually, its activities are based on codes of social norms and accepted truths, which are influenced by socio-political, cultural and personal limitations and boundaries. Anastasia works in the genre of drawing, art installation, performance, creates artwork for theatrical productions and conducts art workshops. Arlene Tucker is an artist and educator, and her work focuses on adding play elements to daily life through her art. Inspired by translation studies and animals she finds ways to connect and make meaning in our shared environments. Her process-based artistic work creates spaces and situations for exchange, dialogue, and transformations to occur and surprise all players. She is interested in creating projects that open up ideas and that engage the viewer; that invite the viewer to be a part of the narrative or art creation process. In translation, your participation continues to propel the story. Free Translation Sessions is a collaboration of two projects both based in Helsinki: Prison Outside and Translation is Dialogue (TID). Prison Outside is an independent project founded in 2015. The research behind this project is centered on the subjects of imprisonment, justice, and the role of the arts in the relationships between people in prisons and people outside. TID is an art installation that generates a new project every time it is presented. TID uses translation techniques to not only produce art, but also understand what is being communicated. The Justice Arts Coalition is a national network and resource for those creating art in and around the criminal legal system. |
AuthorArlene Tucker is an artist, diversity agent, and educator currently based in Joutsa, Finland. Archives
June 2024