"The 2023 Aleksanteri Conference will be held on October 25–27 at the University of Helsinki, Finland. This year’s conference will address changes in the relationships within and between the former communist countries of the Global East, by which we mean the region that has been labelled as post/former -Soviet, -socialist, -communist, -imperial. More info about the conference and program here."
Workshop on Thursday, October 26 from 18.00–19.00 at HALL 4 (B214), Metsätalo Free Translation is a multi-disciplinary project showcasing international works by persons affected by imprisonment. In this project we view works of art and letters received from prisons all over the world. Together we interpret the meaning of the works and create responses based on the translations. These are then sent to the original authors and added to the online exhibition. In this edition the special focus is on political prisoners in Russia. Workshop facilitators Arlene Tucker and Anastasia Artemeva.
Making Our Dream Worlds is for people who like to build, make, and explore where we would like to live and how! We will do this at 2 locations; Sláturhúsið in Egilsstaðir and Sambuð in Djúpivogur.
Let’s spend a playful afternoon creating our dream world together using recycled materials! Welcome to our workshop for people 8 and up. See you there! xoxo, arlene I have the pleasure to work as an Ambassador of Living Heritage for the Finnish Heritage Agency (Museovirasto). On December 14th, I will be giving two workshops in Helsinki. Both have the same content. The first workshop, from 9:30-11:30, will be at The National Museum of Finland. The second one, from 15:00-17:00, will be at Myymälä2 gallery. In these 2-hour workshops you will hear more about the UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. In the workshop we will together discuss and collect information on your living heritage and choose elements that could be added to the Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage. Participation is free. People of all ages and walks of life are welcome! This is a great opportunity for your voice to be heard and to see how your existence makes a mark on our social fabric. Please send an email to Arlene if you know which session you would like to participate in. Email her at arlene.dearyou(at)gmail.com. Hope to see you there! xx arlene Living heritage or intangible cultural heritage (ICH) means practices, expressions, knowledge and skills that communities recognize as part of their cultural heritage. It can include for example performing arts, crafts, oral traditions, social practices and festivities or knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe. The project is related to the UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Read here more about the work under the Convention in Finland.
The aim of the project is to bring new examples to the Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage representing various cultural groups in Finland. The Wiki was opened in 2016 to bring visibility to living heritage in Finland. It has now over 200 articles from 250 communities all around Finland. Among existing examples are the Singing tradition of Finnish Roma people and African Music and dance in Finland, but there are gaps and cultural diversity is not very well represented in the inventory. Find here all articles in Finnish and all translated to English. The Wiki was visited by over 100 000 people from 150 countries in 2021. The language of the workshop is English, but in the process it is possible to use other languages. In the Wiki the articles need to be in Finnish or Swedish, but it is encouraged to use other languages as well. Project background: For the fall 2022 project, seven people from culturally diverse backgrounds have been selected as Ambassadors of Living Heritage. The project is coordinated by the Finnish Heritage Agency together with Arts Promotion Centre Taike, Culture for All and Globe Art Point.The aim of the project is to bring more visibility to culturally diverse living heritage in Finland, to inspire discussion on how various groups participate in the safeguarding of living heritage in Finland and what measures could be developed. Parhaillaan vietetään rasisminvastaista viikkoa. Tästä viikosta alkaen pitkin kevättä järjestetään lastenkulttuuriin liitännäisenä kulttuurin moninaisuuden toimintaa teemalla "juhlat". Jokaisessa maassa juhlitaan keväisin erinäisiä asioita. Viiden kunnan koululaiset pääsevät maailmanympärysmatkalle sukeltamaan eri maiden kulttuureihin animaatiokoosteen, näyttelyn, taidetehtävien ja työpajojen välityksellä. Toimintaan osallistuu Forssa, Tammela, Jokioinen, Humppila ja Ypäjä. Työpajojen avulla on tarkoitus oppia uusia asioita eri maiden kulttuureista ja luoda samalla jotain uutta taiteen avulla. Työpajoja vetävät ulkomaalaistaustaiset taiteilijat Anastasia Artemeva, Arlene Tucker ja Tomie Cho. Toiminta liittyy Taiken kulttuurin moninaisuuden kehittämisohjelmaan yhteistyössä usean eri tahon kanssa. Rasisminvastainen viikko pohjaa vuoteen 1966, jolloin YK:n yleiskokous julisti maaliskuun 21. päivän kansainväliseksi rotusyrjinnän vastaiseksi päiväksi, ja kehotti kansainvälistä yhteisöä lisäämään ponnistuksiaan kaiken rotusyrjinnän poistamiseksi. Kirjoittaja: Maikki Kantola Anti-Racism Week is currently being celebrated.
From this week onwards, cultural diversity activities with the theme of "celebrations" will be organized alongside spring, in addition to children's culture. Every country celebrates different things in the spring. Schoolchildren from five municipalities can travel around the world to dive into the cultures of different countries through an animation, an exhibition, art assignments and workshops. Children in Forssa, Tammela, Jokioinen, Humppila and Ypäjä participate in the activities. The purpose of the workshops is to learn new things about the cultures of different countries and at the same time create something new through art. The workshops will be led by artists with a foreign background Anastasia Artemeva, Arlene Tucker and Tomie Cho. The activities are related to Taike's cultural diversity development program in cooperation with several different parties. Anti-Racism Week dates back to 1966, when the UN General Assembly declared 21 March International Day against Racial Discrimination and called on the international community to step up its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination. Author: Maikki Kantola Welcome to Free Translation Sessions with JAC (The Justice Arts Coalition) on the following Thursdays, June 11th, 18th, 25th, and July 2nd on ZOOM from 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST (9am California, 12pm NYC, 7pm Helsinki)
On June 11th we will make a translation of a work by Оксана Крутицкая (Oksana Krytickaya). On June 18th we will have an open discussion about your translations with Оксана Крутицкая (Oksana Krytickaya). On June 25th we will make a translation of a work by Tomas. On July 2nd we will have an open discussion about your translations with Tomas. Free Translation is a multi-disciplinary project showcasing international works by currently and formerly incarcerated people, and anyone affected by imprisonment. In these sessions we use translation techniques as a means of creatively interpreting works of art and word. This means that we interpret the meaning of the works and create new works of art based on the translations. This can be a translation into another language or another medium. For example, a poem can be manifested into a photograph and a drawing can be written as a letter. In this way, we make new works of art and literature, and attempt to understand each other and open up dialogue. During the 90 minute open art making session we will create translations of the works by Оксана Крутицкая (Oksana Krytickaya) and another Free Translation artist to be announced later. In the following sessions we will then speak with the artist and review the translations of their work. With your consent, artworks will be added to the Free Translation exhibition for the general public to see and continue the dialogue. PURCHASE TICKETS FOR THIS WORKSHOP SEQUENCE, AS WELL AS JAC'S OTHER CREATE + CONNECT EVENTS, AT THIS LINK: https://bit.ly/3cAW8iV https://freetranslation.prisonspace.org About the facilitators: Anastasia Artemeva is a visual and socially-engaged artist and researcher. Anastasia was born in Moscow, Russia, and lived in Ireland for many years before moving to Helsinki. Her socially-engaged creative projects explore and create space for communication and interaction. Conceptually, its activities are based on codes of social norms and accepted truths, which are influenced by socio-political, cultural and personal limitations and boundaries. Anastasia works in the genre of drawing, art installation, performance, creates artwork for theatrical productions and conducts art workshops. Arlene Tucker is an artist and educator, and her work focuses on adding play elements to daily life through her art. Inspired by translation studies and animals she finds ways to connect and make meaning in our shared environments. Her process-based artistic work creates spaces and situations for exchange, dialogue, and transformations to occur and surprise all players. She is interested in creating projects that open up ideas and that engage the viewer; that invite the viewer to be a part of the narrative or art creation process. In translation, your participation continues to propel the story. Free Translation Sessions is a collaboration of two projects both based in Helsinki: Prison Outside and Translation is Dialogue (TID). Prison Outside is an independent project founded in 2015. The research behind this project is centered on the subjects of imprisonment, justice, and the role of the arts in the relationships between people in prisons and people outside. TID is an art installation that generates a new project every time it is presented. TID uses translation techniques to not only produce art, but also understand what is being communicated. https://prisonspace.org https://www.translationisdialogue.org The Justice Arts Coalition is a national network and resource for those creating art in and around the criminal legal system. https://thejusticeartscoalition.org/ Onko elämässäsi solmuja? Miten niin? Haluatko tulla keskustelemaan solmuista ja tekemään taidetta niiden avaamiseksi? Teemme taidetta solmuista, mutta puhumme myös niistä. Käytämme erilaisia taidetekniikoita. Täällä saat olla luova! Tavoitteena on tehdä näyttely tuotoksista. Solmu sarja on henkilöille, joita kiinnostaa keskustella omasta elämästä ja keskustelun ohessa myös tehdä taidetta solmuista. Solmu-sarja on avoin kaikille. Tapaamisissa puhutaan suomea ja englantia. Vapaa pääsy. Milloin: Torstaisin klo 17.00-19.00 Päivämäärät: 7.11, 21.11, 28.11. 19.12 Missä: Caisa, Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki Osallistumista joka kerralle toivotaan. Ilmoittautuminen Amjadille [email protected] Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-xgmVxiUf/events/265336723/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3318710501474201/ --- Arlene Tucker on taiteilija ja kasvattaja. Hänen kiinnostuksenaan on lisätä taiteensa kautta leikkisiä elementtejä jokapäiväiseen elämään. Semiotiikan opinnot, eläimet ja luonto inspiroivat häntä luomaan merkityksellisiä hetkiä jaetussa ympäristössämme. Hänen taideteoksensa luovat usein tiloja avoimelle keskustelulle ja yhdessäololle jättäen erilaisille tulkinnoille ja yllätyksille tilaa. Hänen tekstinsä “Translation is Dialogue: Language in Transit” on ollut osana julkaisua “Translating across Sensory and Linguistic Borders: Intersemiotic Journeys between Media (toimittanut: Campbell, Madeleine, Vidal, Ricarda, 2019)”. Tucker on perustanut projektin Translation is Dialogue (2010) ja on vuodesta 2017 asti tehnyt yhteistyötä Prison Outside -projektin kanssa. http://www.arlenetucker.net/ Solmu-sarjan takana on MIITTI, MIOS-hanke ja MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry Is your life like a knot? How so? Would you like to come talk about knots and make art that could help open these up? We will use different art techniques to help express ourselves. It’s ok to be experimental here! At the end of the workshop series a collective exhibition amongst the participants is also possible.
Knot series is for people who are interested in sharing life stories, listening to other perspectives and making art from our time together. Knot series is open to everybody. The workshop will be held in both Finnish and in English. Participation is free of charge. When: Thursdays from 17.00-19.00 Dates: 7.11, 21.11, 28.11. 19.12 Where: Caisa, Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki Participation of each session is recommended. Register by emailing Amjad at [email protected] Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-xgmVxiUf/events/265336723/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3318710501474201/ +++ I am an artist and educator, and my work focuses on adding play elements to daily life through my art. Inspired by translation studies, animals and nature, I find ways to connect and make meaning in our shared environments. My artistic work is often process-based and it creates spaces and situations for exchange, dialogue, and transformations to occur and surprise all players. I am interested in creating projects that open up ideas and that engage the viewer; that invite the viewer to be a part of the narrative or art creation process. In translation, your participation continues to propel the story. https://www.arlenetucker.net/ Knot series is made in collaboration with MIITTI, MIOS and MIELI Mental Health Finland https://lapinlahdenlahde.fi/palvelut/miitti-hanke/mieli.fi/mios Monitaiteinen kurssi 9–13-vuotiaille / Multi-media art course for 9-13 year olds
ma–ke 11–13.6. klo 10–14 / Monday-Wednesday 11-13.6 from 10am-2pm. Ohjaajat/Instructors: Arlene Tucker & Edwina Goldstone Opetuskielet/Languages of instruction: englanti ja suomi / English and Finnish We have hair. Hair is natural. Hair is everywhere. In this three day workshop we will explore different ways to make art using hair. These various art forms will help the artist make a final piece. For example, two-dimensional arts, aspects of stop motion animation, sculpture, and paper arts. This workshop is for young artists who enjoy exploring different artistic mediums and ways of self expression. Welcome! Meillä on hiukset. Hius on luonnollista. Hiuksia on joka paikassa. Kolmipäiväisellä kurssilla tutkimme erilaisia tapoja tehdä hiuksista taidetta. Kurssilla kokeillaan eri taidemuotoja ja tehdään oma taideteos. Esimerkiksi kaksiulotteinen teos, stop motion animaatio, veistos tai käsityö. Kurssi sopii nuorille taiteilijoille, jotka ovat innokkaita kokeilemaan erilaisia taiteellisia välineitä ja itseilmaisun keinoja. Tervetuloa! Where? Missä? Trapesa, Kirkkojärventie 1, 02770 Espoo (Espoon keskuksen juna-asema, asemasilta, 2.krs) https://www.trapesa.com/ This course is free of charge. Please bring your own lunch. Kurssi on maksuttomia. Omat eväät tarvitaan mukaan. Send an email to [email protected] to register. Registration by June 4th to secure your spot! This workshop is in cooperation with Objekti Festival, Trapesa and the City of Espoo. For more information about the artists, please check edwinagoldst.one and arlenetucker.net http://objekti.net/2018/en/programme/ |
AuthorArlene Tucker is an artist, diversity agent, and educator currently based in Joutsa, Finland. Archives
June 2024