All around the world we are dealing with, in our own way, COVID-19. For many of us, we are or have been homebound. This time has given us the opportunity to challenge what it means to be together and to find new ways of creating, figuring out, and learning. 2B, a class of second graders at Ressu Comprehensive School in Helsinki, Finland have reached out to kids living in the USA, Taiwan, New Zealand and South Africa to see what their experience has been like during March to May 2020. 2B: What kind of rules do you have to follow in your country? 在你的国家你有什麼的規則?Minkälaisia sääntöjä teidän täytyy noudattaa maassanne? AO Helsinki: In Finland we cannot go to parties or anything like that. MC NYC: We cannot visit friends. We have social distance. We can’t play team sports. We have to wear a mask when we are going to be near others. We can’t go to school. It’s really boring. NC NYC: We have to social distance and stay away from others. We can’t go to school or visit our friends, and we have to wear a mask or face covering when we are going to be in close proximity with others. CS Helsinki: In Finland we have to stay away from other people. For example, we can't go to parks or birthday parties. JT Cape Town: We have to stay at home all the freaking time!!!!!! SS Helsinki: We are trying not to go much outside, stay home and stay safe. Whenever we are going out , we are wearing a mouth mask , we are not going that close to people, we are not touching anything outside and we are washing our hand very good. K&C Xinyin: 戴口罩,勤洗手,外出活動時,須保持室內1.5公尺,室外1公尺以上的社交距離。(Wear a mask, wash hands frequently, and keep a social distance of 1.5 meters indoors and more than 1 meter outdoors when we go out.) Hunter Christchurch: social distancing and not going out when you dont need to 2B: How many times do you go to the shop in a week? Are you allowed to go to the shop? 您每週有幾次去超市?你有允許去商店购买嗎?Kuinka monta kertaa viikossa käyt kaupassa? Saatko käydä kaupassa? AL Helsinki: We go about 2-3 times a week. Usually my mom doesn’t let my sister or me go to the shop. MC NYC: Only one person from the household. Someone in our family goes once a week. NC NYC: We go about once a week. Only one person from each household is allowed to go, so I don’t go. CS Helsinki : My dad goes to the shop once or twice a week. LH Helsinki: Well about 1-2 a week. Helsinki LS Helsinki In Finland we can go to the shop but I dont go to the shop. I order food. MD Helsinki: I don’t often but sometimes, for example yesterday, me and my mum went to buy a football and a skateboard for me. JT Cape Town: I am not allowed to go just one of my parents go to the shop once a week and only for food. K&C Xinyin: 隨時都可以去超市,我們每週至少會去一次。(You can go to the supermarket at any time, we will go at least once a week.) Hunter Christchurch: about 3 times a week 2B: How often do you go outside? 你几次可以出门?Kuinka usein käyt ulkona? MC NYC: Almost every day. We go rollerblading, scooting and skateboarding at the park. NC NYC: We go outside almost every day. We go to the park, and we rollerblade, scooter, skateboard, and play soccer there. CS Helsinki: We go out mostly just to go biking, scooting and skateboarding. JT Cape Town: We can only go outside in our yard we slack line and jog around the house. SS Helsinki: We are going outside for walk and only for 20 or 30 minutes. K&C Xinyin: 我們每天都能上學,生活一切正常。(We can go to school every day and everything is normal.) Hunter Christchurch: everyday, we have a large section 2B: Do you feel trapped in your home? 你有被困在家裡的感覺嗎?Tuntuuko sinusta siltä, että olet kuin vankilassa kun olet kotona? MC NYC: Yes. NC NYC: No, because we have a big house and we have a backyard and basement. CS Helsinki: No because we go out quite often but we wear masks for safety. LH Helsinki: Sometimes. ET Helsinki: Yes, sometimes even though we have a back yard and a forest nearby. SJ Helsinki:Yes. LS Helsinki No I do not feel trapped in my house. JT Cape Town:Yes i feel kind of trapped but we do have a big property. K&C Xinyin: 沒有喔!我們可以正常出門。(Nope, we can go as usual.) Hunter Christchurch: no 2B: Do you get homework and if you do how much? 你的学校有没有给你功课做? 是不是很多? Saatko kotitehtäviä ja jos kyllä, niin kuinka paljon? MC NYC: Sometimes we get a little. Sometimes a lot. NC NYC: I get homework almost every day, and sometimes it’s a lot, sometimes, it’s a little. Yes, but a good amount. CS Helsinki: Yes, but a good amount. SJ Helsinki: Yes, enough. JT Cape Town: Yes, enough. SS Helsinki: Yes,I am getting lots of homework and I am completing all the homework on the same day. K&C Xinyin: 每天都有功課。(There’s homework every day.) Hunter Christchurch: yes and i get normal amount 2B: What do you do when you are bored at home? What do you do for fun? 你在家会觉无聊嗎?你有没有好玩的事情可以做嗎?Mitä teet kun sinulla on tulsa kotona? Mitä teet kun haluat pitää hauskaa? MC NYC: Video games, reading, legos, and drawing. CS Helsinki: Legos, Video games, unfinished handicrafts and reading NC NYC: When I am bored, I normally read, play legos, or work on a school project. For fun, I read, play board games, watch TV, play legos, draw, and work on projects. ET Helsinki: I call my friends, go outside to play with my sister and Mum, bake with my Mum and siblings, draw & paint, play inside. SJ Helsinki: Play legos and board games. JT Cape town: I play video games, watch tv and do backflips. SS Helsinki : I play with my toys,watch tablet and also doing lot of planting. K&C Xinyin: 不會,我們喜歡在家,可以做自己喜歡的事情。(No, we like to be at home because we can do what we like.) KD Helsinki: I read, play on my tablet, do scratch on my computer, and play lego, cricket, football Hunter Christchurch: play playstation, or with the cats or on roblox 2B: Even though you are at home, can you get food from school? 即使您在家,你可以从学校拿午餐回来吗? Kuitenkin kun olet kotona, voitko saada koulusta ruoat? MC NYC: Yes. Families can pick up food from the school. NC NYC: Yes, people are able to pick up food from school to eat. CS Helsinki : Yes but we don't do it. SJ Helsinki: Yes. but we don't go get it. JT Cape Town: Not in our area, but other areas. KD Helsinki: Yeah but I don’t go to get it. I like my home’s food most. SS Helsinki: Yes, but we are not going to the school to get the food. K&C Xinyin: 也許不可以。(Maybe not.) Hunter Christchurch: no 2B: How do you feel when you’re at home? 你在家感觉如何? Miltä tuntuu kun olet kotona? MC NYC: Happy and bored. NC NYC: When I am home, I feel bored, happy, and energetic. CS Helsinki: Bored, Cheerful, and restless. SJ Helsinki: Bored. Happy. JT Cape Town: I am happy. SS Helsinki : I am having mixed feeling , sometimes I feel happy to play on my tablet and sometimes I feel sad because i can’t go out to play. K&C Xinyin: 我很喜歡在家,但是每天都要上學。(I really like to be at home, but I have to go to school every day.) KD Helsinki: I feel weird and far from my friends Hunter Christchurch: the same as how i feel usually 2B: Do you have distance learning? If so, how do you feel about homeschooling? 你有没有长王陆学习? 假如这样你觉得怎么样? Onko sinulla etäopetusta? Jos kyllä, miltä tuntuu sinusta etäopetus? MC NYC: We are home schooling and it is okay. What I like about it is I still get to my friends on Zoom. NC NYC: We still have distance learning. I like it because the school work is easier and school takes less time. Also, I get to stay home, sleep in, take breaks when I feel like it, and watch TV every night. CS Helsinki: We have home schooling and I like it because you can do everything at your own pace and you can see your friends even if you're at home. SJ Helsinki: Good. I like when I can see my friends on Google Meet. JT Cape Town: I don't really like home schooling. SS Helsinki : Yes , We have distance learning and I am ok with it. K&C Xinyin: 目前沒有,不過學校有讓我們在家練習過! (Not right now, but the school has let us practice at home!) KD Helsinki: Yes I have distance learning going on. It is good as far as studies are concerned, however I feel really bad when I don’t get a chance to meet my teachers, friends. I miss playing football at school in the afternoon club. Hunter Christchurch: yes and i feel ok with it. its a bit harder without a teacher 2B: What do you do to protect yourself from Corona / Covid-19? 您如何保護自己免受Corona / Covid-19的侵害? Miten suojaudut koronalta? MC NYC: We wear masks and stay at home, and wash our hands. NC NYC: We wear masks, social distance, minimize going outside, and wash our hands. CS Helsinki: We wear masks, wash our food deliveries, social distancing and wash our hands. SJ Helsinki: I don’t go to the store or see my friends. I was my hands. My mom washes our grocery deliveries. JT Cape Town: Stay home. Wash hands. SS Helsinki : I keep myself at home and not go outside too much. I am washing my hands regularly. K&C Xinyin: 常常洗手,外出 戴口罩。 (Wash your hands often, when you go out wear a mask.) KD Helsinki: To protect myself wear a turtleneck to protect myself because I don’t have a proper mask. Hunter Christchurch: i stay home 2B: Can you leave your home? If so, can you use public transportation like we can in Finland? 你可以離開家嗎?你可以公共交通跟我们在芬兰一样嗎?Voitko päästä ulos kotoa? Jos niin, voitko käyttää julkista liikennettä kuten voimme Suomessa? MC NYC: Yes we can leave our home. Yes but mostly only essential workers take public transportation now. NC NYC: We can still leave our home, and public transportation is still available, but it is mostly only used by essential workers. CS Helsinki : We can go outside but our family doesn't use public transportation. JT Cape Town: We can not leave our home. SS Helsinki : We are going out for short walk but we are not using any public transportation. K&C Xinyin: 我們可以離開家,但是盡量避免搭大眾運輸工具。(We can leave home, but try to avoid taking public transportation.) Hunter Christchurch: yes and yes 2B: Are you scared of the Coronavirus? 你害怕吗? Pelkäätkö Koronavirusta? MC NYC: No I’m not scared. NC NYC: No I’m not scared. KH Helsinki: I am not scared of the coronavirus. CS Helsinki: Nope, I am not scared of COVID 19. MD Helsinki: I am not scared of CORONA/COVID-19 at all. JT Cape Town: no SS Helsinki : I am not scared. K&C Xinyin: 不害怕。(Not afraid.) KD Helsinki: I am not scared of corona but I feel worried about the people with corona. Hunter Christchurch: no because it hasn’t affected me 2B: In your country, when did the lockdown start? 在你的国家什么时候开始近足处们? Sinun maassasi, milloin sisälle suojautuminen alkoi? MC NYC: 5 weeks in NY of staying at home. NC NYC: In NY, it has been five weeks since the lockdown started. CS Helsinki: End of march but our family started the lockdown in mid march. JT Cape Town: 26th of March SS Helsinki : Mid of march. K&C Xinyin: 沒有。(We don’t have.) KD Helsinki: It started in mid March. When it was my friend Aarne’s birthday. Hunter Christchurch: 25th March 2B: Do you know when you can go back to school? 你知道什麼時候可以回學校嗎?Tiedätkö milloin voit mennä takaisin kouluun? MC NYC: No, but maybe next year. KH Helsinki: I don’t know but maybe in the middle of May. CS Helsinki: maybe mid may. NC NYC: No, but it will probably next year in September. JT Cape Town: Do not know, but maybe June. SS Helsinki: I don’t know , maybe next year. K&C Xinyin: 我們正常上學。(We go to school normally.) KD Helsinki: Well maybe in August AT Helsinki: We just found out that we will go back to school on May 14th. Hunter Christchurch: no, not yet 2B: Is toilet paper where you live expensive? 你们那里的卫生纸很贵吗? Onko vessapaperi kallista missä asut? MC NYC: Not really but sometimes there is none, or some at the store. NC NYC: Not really, but sometimes there is none at the store, or only a little bit. CS Helsinki : We usually order two packets of toilet paper from the store but sometimes there comes only one. JT Cape Town: No. SS Helsinki : It is not expensive. K&C Xinyin: 不會。(No.) KD Helsinki: It is not expensive in Finland. Hunter Christchurch: no, NZ$9 for 18 rolls of 4ply
Thank you for everybody's openness and willingness to share. We are in this together!
4/5/2020 02:00:11 pm
I love how so many kids are feeling the same--both happy and bored--which seems to show both gratitude and also sadness. I feel the same!
5/5/2020 11:50:45 pm
I know that we will overcome this very tough time together, but I do miss my family and friends who don't live near me and I hope I can see them soon. I want everybody to stay healthy and safe!
Maggie Brienza
7/5/2020 06:25:41 am
I loved, loved, loved reading this ~ our children are resourceful and it's nice to see them pace themselves. These are the leaders of tomorrow and what a pleasant surprise reading the excerpts.
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AuthorArlene Tucker is an artist, diversity agent, and educator currently based in Joutsa, Finland. Archives
June 2024